Hillsborough County Population 2021

The Hillsborough County population is 1,349,050 (latest US Census Bureau data). This makes it the fourth most populous county in Florida.

Located on the west coast of Florida, Hillsborough is home to the city of Tampa. It is the 12th largest county in Florida by area, and the 6th largest by population density.

Hillsborough County Florida Population Growth 2016

Largest cities in Hillsborough County

Tampa is the largest city in Hillsborough County and the third most populous city in Florida. In 2013 (latest available data) the population of Tampa was 347,645.

Tampa is nearly ten times as large as Plant City, the next largest city in Hillsborough County, which is home to just 36,697 people.

There are only three other cities or communities in Hillsborough County with a population of more than 5,000 people. They are Temple Terrace (pop: 25,179), Sun City Center (pop: 19,258) and Hunters Green (pop: 5,056).

Sun City Center is unusual in that it is an age-restricted community. Just 1.9% of the population of Sun City Center is aged under 44 years. It is also unusual in that the population is 98.96% white.

City namePopulation
Plant City36,697
Temple Terrace25,179
Sun City Center1o,258
Hunters Green5,056

Ethnicity / Race in Hillsborough County

According to 2015 data from the US Census Bureau, the largest single group in Hillsborough County is White non-Hispanic. In 2015 the White non-Hispanic population of Hillsborough County was 51.0%. This is a slight decrease compared to the 2010 census, when the population was 53.7% White non-Hispanic.

White non-Hispanic51.0%
Hispanic or Latino27.0%

Hispanic or Latino is the second largest group, with 27.0% – an increase from 24.9% in 2010.

Black or African American makes up the third group – its population of 17.7% is also an increase, up from 16.7% in 2010 – and Asian is the fourth group with 4.1% of the population, up from 3.4% in 2010.

In total, 15.1% of the people living in Hillsborough County were born outside of the US (2010 data).

Languages in Hillsborough County

English is the primary language in Hillsborough County, spoken by almost a quarter (74.59%) of residents at home.


Spanish (19.52%) is the only other language spoken by more than 1% of the population at home.

Other languages with a notable number of speakers are French Creole (0.56%) and Vietnamese (0.51%).

Economy and Income

Per capita income in Hillsborough County is $27,062. This is just below the US national average of $27,344.

US average$27,334

This makes Hillsborough the Florida county closest to the US national average.

Hillsborough County Population Density

Hillsborough is the 6th most densely populated county in Florida, with a 2015 population density of 1,323 people per square mile (511 people per km2).

By area, Hillsborough is Florida’s 12th largest county, with a total area of 1,051 square miles (2,722 km2).

Hillsborough County Population Growth

The population of Hillsborough County has been growing rapidly in recent years, and in fact the rate of population growth increased between 2000 and 2010 (from 19.8% in 2000 to 23.1% in 2010.

In the last year, population growth in Hillsborough was 2.33%. Based on current projections, population growth between 2010 and 2020 is likely to be slightly over 20%.

The table below lists the Hillsborough County population at the time of each census since it was founded in 1834.

Census YearPopulationPercentage Change

Further reading and sources

Unless otherwise noted, data in this article comes from the US Census Bureau, which provides a page detailing its latest estimates.

Other sites we recommend are the Florida Office of Economic and Demographic Research and the official Hillsborough County Government website.